Tag Archives: Palestine

Journalists who tell the truth!

The following article was written by my friend, Dr Chandra Muzaffar and entitled, “Kudos to journalists who tell the truth”. It is republished with permission.  UNESCO should be congratulated for awarding the Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize for 2024 … Continue reading

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The War on Gaza

A compilation of Fighting Fathers video commentary on the unfolding tragedy in Gaza.

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Father Dave and Father Mark – the War on Palestine

Father Dave Smith and Father Mark Battison Dave: Okay, Father Dave here with Father Mark I’ve, just come back from England and Mark, is from England, and we’re in Sydney, and we’re talking about Palestine, That’s about it, isn’t it? … Continue reading

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Israel and Palestine – is this really a War?

From the Desk of Father Dave – October 11, 2023 I think we’ve all been shocked by the recent events in Israel and Palestine. Hamas made a well-coordinated military assault on Israel by both land and air that apparently took … Continue reading

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The Battle for the Vineyard (A sermon on Matthew 21:33-40)

Hear another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. When … Continue reading

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What drives Israel? Essay of the week, by Ilan Pappe

Probably the most bewildering aspect of the Gaza flotilla affair has been the righteous indignation expressed by the Israeli government and people. The nature of this response is not being fully reported in the UK press, but it includes official … Continue reading

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A Vision for a new Israel/Palestine by Jimmy Carter

June 16 2009, Jimmy Carter spoke at a graduation ceremony in Gaza for theUnited Nations Relief Works Agency. He envisions a new Israel and Palestine:“The Palestinian state, like the land, must be blessed for all people.  Jerusalem must be shared … Continue reading

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Palestine in the American Imagination by Ramzy Baroud

Ramzy Baroud gives a powerful analysis of the way in America’s history and religion have generated a unique and bizarre Middle Eastern narrative, where the Israelis are always depicted as the ‘good guys’ and the Palestinians “are irrational, suicidal, demonic, … Continue reading

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Why Zionism is wrong! by John Rose

here is a presumption in the West that Zionism is a noble cause, somehow related to restoring to the Jewish people what was taken from them during the holocaust. Sociologist John Rose does a great job in dispelling the myths … Continue reading

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