Tag Archives: Dr Chandra Muzaffar


Once again, we are indebted to my dear brother, Dr Chandra Muzaffar, for his powerful and important insights into the mechanisms of global hegemony Dave BLACKROCK – NO COMPROMISE WITH EVIL Chandra Muzaffar The International Movement for a Just World … Continue reading

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Journalists who tell the truth!

The following article was written by my friend, Dr Chandra Muzaffar and entitled, “Kudos to journalists who tell the truth”. It is republished with permission.  UNESCO should be congratulated for awarding the Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize for 2024 … Continue reading

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Palestine and Global Peace

In this, our most recent broadcast on the war on Palestine, we introduce another two great warriors for justice to the Fighting Fathers community – Dr Chandra Muzaffar and Bishop Riah Abu Al-Assal. I will paste a short introduction to … Continue reading

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One Tribe (A sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:10-18)

Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind … Continue reading

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Christian-Muslim Solidarity Against Empire – by Dr Chandra Muzaffar

The following is a summary of the keynote address delivered by the president of JUST at the First People’s Forum on Peace for Life held at Davao City, Philippines on 30th November 2004. There are groups within the Christian and … Continue reading

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The Barbaric and The Civilized – by Dr Chandra Muzaffar

It is unanimous: that the dastardly bomb attacks in London on 7 July 2005 were a barbaric act. There is no other way of describing the planned, premeditated targeting of civilians. It is political violence of this sort that constitutes … Continue reading

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Libya: Stop the Killing Now! – a statement from Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

The peace-loving citizens of the world should regard it as their sacred duty to appeal to the governments of France, Britain, the United States of America and others who are involved in the aerial bombardment of Libya; the Muammar Gaddafi … Continue reading

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