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Tag Archives: gay marriage
Reverends in revolt over church’s $1 million donation to same-sex marriage ‘no’ campaign
I confess that I wasn’t present at Synod when our Archbishop announced our church’s one million dollar contribution to the ‘NO’ campaign on same-sex marriage. In truth, I’m glad I wasn’t there. I fear I might have howled loudly! I … Continue reading
Why Christians should support same sex marriage
Despite the fact that introduced this article by saying “FATHER Dave Smith is risking his job to write this piece”, I didn’t really anticipate the blow-back. I didn’t lose my job (as yet) but I did lose a lot … Continue reading
St Paul and Gay Marriage – a sermon on Galatians 6:11-18
“See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. 12 It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh that would compel you to be circumcised, and only in order that they … Continue reading
Why every Christian should be in favour of gay marriage
Yes, I’m serious. Yes, I realise that the majority of the world’s Christians are opposed to gay marriage and I recognise that many of those who most vocally oppose gay marriage do so in the name of Christ. Even so, … Continue reading
Posted in Social Justice
Tagged answer, basis, Biblical, form, gay marriage, gay marriages, institution, issue, social stability