Bring Him Home – rally for Julian Assange: December 9th, 2023

As I said in my opening words, it was great to be there and see such a good turnout. Even so, it was painful to be there when, yet again, nothing seems to have moved forward for Julian since we last met. Even so, I do believe his freedom is imminent.

I included three of the addresses given at the rally in my video compilation above:

  • mine, which came at the beginning of the rally
  • John’s (Julian’s father), which came in the middle, and
  • Tom Toby’s, with which we closed.

Thank you to everybody who endured the heatwave to be there. God willing, next time gather together it will not be to protest but to celebrate Julian’s release.

About Father Dave

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four
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3 Responses to Bring Him Home – rally for Julian Assange: December 9th, 2023

  1. Pingback: Rejoice Always! – Father Dave's Blog

  2. Vince says:

    Can we please have a public rally to welcome Julian Home.

    12 years is a long time to pay for his “crimes” he deserves a warm welcome home.

    • Father Dave says:

      True that, brother. We were celebrating today outside the US embassy in Sydney. No doubt more celebrations are to come. I’m not sure how much Julian will be involved though. He may need some space with his family.

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