Anglican parish priest Dave Smith is preparing for the fight of his life —against boxing champion Anthony “The Man” Mundinc.
This is no ordinary priest. “Fighting Father’ Dave is a former profession-at boxer and kickboxer.
The fists will fly at Dulwich High on Saturday during the kickboxing and martial arts spectacular which is raising funds for youth initiatives.
The proceeds from the night will he shared between Father Dave’s Youth Fitness Centre at Dulwich Hill, resources for Dulwich High and the Mundine Gym at Redfern.
Father Dave has been itching to get into the ring with Mundine since the Redfern boxing prodigy first made public his boxing ambitions.
‘This night is not simply about fighting or about showing how tough you are,” he said. “It’s about getting together to help our young people.”
Father Dave and Mundine are expected to go three rounds in the exhibition fight.
Mundine, who is ranked number 15 in the world middleweight division, is a role model to disadvantaged youth in Sydney.
“My advice to the youth of today is don’t drink, don’t smoke and try to he strong with your goals and dreams and go after them 100 per cent,” he said.

Inner Western Suburbs Courier
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