There are any number of good reasons why a person might not be able to post to the Fighitng-Fathers Forum:
- The person in question cannot speak English
- They had their fingers mauled by a Pitbull, and hence can’t use a computer keyboard
- They have an acute case of forumaphobia
On the other hand, there are only two good reasons why you might not post:
- You have no time
- You can’t work out how it’s done.
I can’t solve your time issues here (though I may be able to here). What I can do here is take you by the hand and show you how forum posting is done, Indeed, here are three videos that will show you everything you need to know. They are only a couple of minutes long each.
If you’re new to the Internet and to forums, just work your way through all three of these videos and you should have the hang of it all by the end. If you’re already reasonably confident but can’t work out how to upload your picture to your profile, start with video 2. However you do it, when you’ve finished, dont forget to start posting to the forum!

Parish priest, community worker,
martial arts master, pro boxer,
author, father of four.