AdWords Miracle – A book review by Father Dave

“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

This piece of wisdom from Ecclesiastes just about sums up Internet Marketing for me. What is being done is what has always been done. There is nothing new under the sun!

Then along came a book called ‘Adwords Miracle‘! Well … I’m a great believer in miracles, but what more could there be to say about about Adwords? And the sales page even uses the ‘S’ word (ie. ‘secrets‘), which is always a big turn-off for me.

Even so, there were two other things I noticed on the sales page that enticed me:

  1. The book was damn expensive ($97)!
  2. It came with no bonuses whatsoever!

These probably don’t look like strong selling-points to you, but something told me that any marketer who has the gall to break with the unwritten laws of ebook promotion, by pricing his product high while offering no padding whatsoever, must either be very stupid, or really know what his product is worth! I decided to take the plunge and get the book, and I’m extremely glad I did!

This book introduced me to a whole new way of thinking about Google Adwords.

Prior to reading this book, I thought the key to a successful Adwords campaign lay in keeping my keyword lists as large as possible and my bids as low as possible. I realise now that this strategy was doomed from the outset!

It was doomed because it was based on two false assumptions:

  1. That the price you pay per-click in Adwords is determined solely by how much you bid.
  2. The position and frequency of your ad display is likewise determined solely by bid price.

This may be true of other pay-per-click search engines, but, according to Adwords Miracle, it is not true at all of Google Adwords. With Adwords, your cost-per-click and the position of your ad on the page is determined by a number of factors – most especially by your clickthru rate (that is, the number of times your ad has been clicked)!

This means that a low cost-per-click depends upon getting a lot of clicks, or a smaller number of clicks from a much more limited list of keywords.

Either way, this makes the process of conducting a successful Adwords campaign far more complex than I had realised. That’s the bad news. The good news is that Adwords Miralce helps you wade through these complexities. And the best news is that by the time you have waded through them all, you’ll be ahead of 90% of all your Adwords competitors!

And the book doesn’t just slam you with a few home truths and then leave you to work the rest of it out for yourself. It gives you a step-by-step guide on how to construct, launch and monitor yourAdwords projects. In short you’ll learn how to:

  • Set up multiple Adwords groups around tightly targetted keywords
  • Guarantee yourself an initial click-thru rate that’s equal to your best competitor
  • Build on that initial click-thru rate to lower your costs and dominate a niche

Let me say it straight: I was blown away by this book.

I know that sounds weird, as you wouldn’t normally think of Adwords as a mind-blowing subject. But take it from someone who has spent years of frustration, trying to get his Adwords Monsterunder control: this is as exciting a book on Google Adwords as you are ever likely to read!

Will it work for you? Well, I guess it depends on where you’re at?

If you’ve never used Google Adwords before, you might be better off playing around with the system for a while and losing a bit of money, so as to get a solid feel for how it all works before diving in at the deep end.

If, on the other hand, you’re at a similar stage to where I was – having tried the traditional Adwordsstrategies and still having trouble getting ahead – this could be just what you’ve been waiting for!

Vist the Adwords Miracle sales page.

Rev. David B. Smith

Parish priest, community worker,
martial arts master, pro boxer,
author, father of four.

About Father Dave

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four
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